Welcome to Frankie’s cafe

☆ menu :・゚✧:・゚✧



i have a lot of opinions and i’m always saying them. it might be considered octwt controversial. i may say mildly nsfw things at times, i don’t tag body image or appearance or food i subtweet sometimes(i tone tag) i spam tweet a lot and i curse A LOT #gatekeep🤪 if we’ve got any issues tell me

blocked you on any other accounts, if we’ve never interacted in ocs before, if uncomfortable with 18+ admins, fit basic dni criteria, ur a two faced stupid bitch, dumb smelly bitches



hey shawties, im frankie.
she/they(prefers they/them unless close), 20, aries, slytherpuff


my ocs 😏 ouat, kdramas, seventeen, harry potter, marvel, sushi, history documentaries, the sims 4, making playlists, cats, crocheting

not recommended. . .

little bitches, two faced ppl, pickles, peanut butter, being ignored, cliche cringy ocs lol, fl ocs, unnecessary drama


open ocs: tatum lupin randi harlow bobbie calderon sebastian harlow

closed ocs: naveen jordan, nanami hattori, aydin erbil, raphael quincy, eric erbil, douglas mclaggen, mickey black, andy hagrid

Love is on the menu <3

☆ mutuals :・゚✧:・゚✧

<3 star, nyah, sab, roe, teddy, grace <3

☆ comfort ocs :・゚✧:・゚✧

raphael quincy, eric erbil, tatum lupin, jagger donovan, wisteria brown, cleon collymore, douglas mclaggen, gwendolyn blackerby, aria snape, randi harlow, blue zabini,

note cr: inomhan